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Philadelphia, PA 19103

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Parks on Tap

Philadelphia’s Traveling Beer Garden that Gives Back


Parks on Tap is Philadelphia’s traveling beer garden that gives back! A partnership between Philadelphia Parks & Recreation, Fairmount Park Conservancy, and FCM Hospitality, Parks on Tap brings a beer garden to different parks throughout the city all summer long. Each location provides fresh food, beers on tap, wine, and non-alcoholic beverages in a festive outdoor environment with comfortable chairs, hammocks, and clean restrooms. Parks on Tap is family-friendly and offers a variety of weekly programming, including free yoga in the park with Roots2Rise. Dogs on leashes are welcome.

Parks on Tap kicked off in 2016 as a way to engage the Philadelphia community and give back to the neighborhood parks. A portion of all proceeds are donated to Fairmount Park Conservancy to help restore and maintain Philly’s parks.